304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

EMTech offers

Plastic Injection Solutions​

KRS robotic solutions move in sync with every movement thanks to their dynamic servo motors, high-precision linear motion components and engineering design, are capable of working at the same speed and in the same positions in every cycle in part picking, insert, IML (in-mold labeling) and quality control applications.

About linear robots

Precision and Versatility in Action.

Linear robots perform picking and placing tasks. But they can also be used in different operations, such as welding. Cartesian robot systems offer great advantages, especially in workplaces and factories with large work sites, with both speed and accurate placement and positioning.


Seamless Mass Production.

Their ability to position correctly allows them to place parts in the right place at the right time with less margin of error, which is vital for large-scale mass production enterprises. Cartesian robots, or Linear robots, are easier to program than other moving robots.

The reason for this is that they move on a simple X, Y, Z axis. Another advantage is that they are less affected by space constraints on the floor. This is because they are easier to assemble than other robots.

HKTM linear robot: Built for highest demands in handling, palletizing and more,
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